Swan Song
The Challenge
Swan Song is a 2021 American science fiction romantic drama film written and directed by Benjamin Cleary. A new film that needs art directions, and visual elements to support the story.
The Solution
Crafting the Visual Language, within the Pentagram team Jen, I had the opportunity to do art direction of the physical screen and tea box graphics featured in the movie. Also, I rendered the touchscreen UI Design prototype,
Collaborated with Territory Studio on interactive behaviors, check the link for more details.
UI Design in the film
Within the team, we created a new creative software to support the UX experience in the film.
Logo for the vehicle
The logo design for STEED, a futuristic car in the movie.
The design is simple and minimalist, reflecting the artistry of the movie.
Together with the team, we had a lot of UI and visual studies behind the scenes.
As a senior designer credited in the movie.
2D to 3D
From flat 2D grid to rendering in the 3D environment, I create those visual studies on C4D to show a range of possibilities on UI Screens.